What’s On?
As of Wednesday 4th November, usual CYZ services in the building will be put on pause due to the national lockdown.
The youth sector can remain partially open and active during this time, adhering to strict NYA guidance, whilst supporting the most vulnerable young people.
So, whilst our activity sessions onsite will be postponed until after Christmas, we will continue to offer the following throughout the coming weeks.
- Inclusion Club will continue every Saturday morning for young people needing additional support.
- Inclusion Archery on a Wednesday will also continue.
- Counselling sessions for young people will continue
- Mentoring relationships will continue
- 1-2-1 or small group support for young people will be readily available if needed. This could take the form of a check-in, chat or small activity to help with mental health & wellbeing.
- Our direct support helpline will be available to Parents, Carers and young people if you need someone to speak to, or even if your child would like to speak with a youth worker of their choice, we can make this happen! 01228 516280 email info@carlisleyouthzone.org or send us a message.
- #CYZTV will return, (our online digital youth service) our team will deliver daily virtual cooking, arts and fitness sessions for young people and their families to participate in, this will be done via zoom and additional content posted publically to social media and youtube!
Whilst this is not how we hoped to work in the run-up to Christmas, we will do our very best to support any young person in our city during this time.
#CYZTV2 – Public Content
#CYZTV content on YouTube.
We will be posting regularly – so be sure to subscribe to our channel – Click Here
You can view what we have so far in the #CYZTV2 playlist
#YZAtHome – Zoom Sessions
If you are interested in joining one of our Zoom sessions, please get in touch – Click here to send us an email, or click here to contact us through Messenger.
You can view our timetable below
17:30-18:30 with Hannah and Victoria
18:00-19:00 with Mark and Sally
16:30-17:30 with Julie
17:30-18:30 with Lucy and Olivia
18:00-19:00 with Tony
18:00-20:00 with Ciara
17:30-18:30 with Sally and Olivia
18:00-20:00 with Ciara
16:30-17:30 with Julie
18:00-19:00 with Mark and Liz
18:00-20:00 with Tony
18:00-20:00 with Ciara
Quiz Night
19:00-20:00 with Sally
16:30-17:30 with Julie
17:30-18:30 with Lucy
Fine Arts
18:00-19:00 with Mark
Beauty Night
18:00-19:00 with Liz
Quiz Night
19:00-20:00 with Julie and Tony