Claire’s Creature’s – Thursday 18th August 2022

RE: 18th August 2022 Holiday Club – Claire’s Creature’s

On Thursday 18th August, we have Claire’s Creatures visiting Carlisle Youth Zone.

We would like to know if your child has any allergies to the animals as they will have the opportunity to interact with them as part of the workshop. The animals will include:

  • Royal Python
  • African Millipede
  • Silkie Hens
  • Giant African Land Snails
  • Hermann’s Tortoise
  • Leopard Geckos
  • Guinea and Skinny pigs
  • Madagascan Hissers
  • White’s Tree Frog
  • African Pygmy Hedgehog
  • Peters Banded Skunk


Members will have the option to attend one of two session between 10:30am and 12:00pm and will be able to stroke and hold the animals.


Please can you fill in and return the form available to download below if your child has any allergies we should be aware of.

If you need a printed copy, please ask at reception.

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